website creation
The website is a great communication between the business and the customer. A good website helps solve a huge range of issues related to increasing brand or company awareness and increasing sales. To understand what kind of website you need for your business, you need to determine what goals and objectives it will fulfill.
How we work
in a convenient way for you
marketing strategy
on the work done
Your project
will be worked on by

Project Manager
UI/UX designer
Front end developer
Web Developer
SEO Specialist
Contextual Advertising Specialist
The advantages of developing a turnkey website
Let's talk
about your project?
which sites we have already done
asked questionsYou can. Today's platform designers provide a profitable and flexible line of rates, but you will encounter problems immediately after your site becomes a little more than a business card site and the number of pages grows. About pros and cons of website development using constructors we tell in our blog.
It's very simple, every developer chooses and studies their toolkit and is willing to talk at length about its benefits. So developer on Wordpress will be very colorful about its charms. As our main (but not the only) CMS we choose MODX. We chose this CMS because of its flexibility and a lot of different components and tools, which help to speed up development. About this CMS we tell in our blog, moreover we are officially certified developers.
We record a video for your site officer with examples of content editing.
When choosing a hosting it is very important to pay attention to the speed of its work.
!!!In many states, there are rules for storing information, which greatly narrows the choice. It is very important to study this issue before deciding to buy hosting.
To begin with, you need to estimate the budget that you are willing to spend on attracting customers. Depending on this, as well as taking into account the specifics of your product, you can use different ways to attract traffic:
- Contextual advertising will give quick results (Yandex and Google)
- SEO - search engine promotion
- Advertising in any social network
- Commissioned articles in known publishers or bloggers.
- If you already have a customer base is possible to use mailing lists
Most modern relationship management systems (Bitrix, AMO, etc.) have the ability to integrate and automatically create leads.
You fill out a brief for the development of site design, which lists in detail the requirements and wishes for design. Usually the design is developed on the basis of the corporate identity of the company.
Within 5 days after the start of work we create a prototype of the home page. After its approval we fill it with colors and design elements.
Modern layout standards imply adaptability. Creating a prototype of the future site, the designer draws 3-4 versions for different devices with different screen resolutions. Thanks to this, the site will display correctly on all devices.